Bill: HB 558, 87(R) - 2021


House Homeland Security & Public Safety

2nd Chamber Committee

Senate Criminal Justice

Vote Recommendation

Vote Recommendation Economic Freedom Property Rights Personal Responsibility Limited Government Individual Liberty
Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral


James White
Theresa Meza


Michelle Beckley
Penny Morales Shaw
Reggie Smith


Bob Hall


Drew Springer

Bill Caption

Relating to the taking of a blood specimen on arrest for certain intoxication offenses.

Fiscal Notes

No significant fiscal implication to the State is anticipated. 

Bill Analysis

HB 558 would require a peace officer to take a blood sample when making an arrest for certain intoxication offenses if the person refuses the officer's request to submit to the taking of a blood specimen voluntarily, the person was the operator of a motor vehicle or a watercraft involved in an accident that the officer reasonably believes occurred as a result of the offense, and at the time of the arrest, the officer reasonably believes that as a direct result of the accident any individual has died, will die, or has suffered serious bodily injury.

An officer would be prohibited from requiring a blood sample without first obtaining a warrant unless the officer has probable cause to believe that exigent circumstances exist. 

Vote Recommendation Notes

Texas Action is neutral toward HB 558 because the bill appropriately requires a warrant or probable cause. 

Source URL (retrieved on 03/31/2025 05:03 PM):