Bill: HB 4584, 87(R) - 2021


House Urban Affairs

2nd Chamber Committee

Senate Local Government

Vote Recommendation

Vote Recommendation Economic Freedom Property Rights Personal Responsibility Limited Government Individual Liberty
No Negative Neutral Neutral Negative Neutral


Jake Ellzey


Brian Birdwell

Bill Caption

Relating to the creation of the Sterrett Road Municipal Management District; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes; granting a limited power of eminent domain.

Fiscal Notes

No significant fiscal implication to the State is anticipated

Bill Analysis

HB 4584 would create the Sterrett Road Municipal Management District to conduct improvement projects. The district would have the authority of a water and road district as well as the authority to impose taxes and issue bonds. The district would not have authority for eminent domain unless this bill receives support from 2/3rds of the legislature. Procedures are included for the district’s dissolution. 

Vote Recommendation Notes

This bill would create a new special purpose district "to promote, develop, encourage, and maintain employment, commerce, transportation, housing, tourism, recreation, the arts, entertainment, economic development, safety, and the public welfare in the district." The district would be a part of a broader class of special districts known as Municipal Management Districts (MMD). This bill would grant municipal-type authority to a non-municipal entity, essentially creating a city within a city that lacks true accountability, which does not support our liberty principles.

Creating this new management district grows the size, scope, and cost of government for the purpose of fulfilling functions outside of its proper role. For this reason, we oppose HB 4584.

Source URL (retrieved on 03/14/2025 04:03 AM):