Bill: HB 2497, 87(R) - 2021


House State Affairs

2nd Chamber Committee

Senate Education

Vote Recommendation

Vote Recommendation Economic Freedom Property Rights Personal Responsibility Limited Government Individual Liberty
Yes Neutral Neutral Neutral Positive Neutral


Tan Parker
Stan Lambert
Brooks Landgraf
Will Metcalf
Tom Oliverson


Charles Anderson
Trent Ashby
Kyle Biedermann
Briscoe Cain
Jeff Cason
Travis Clardy
David Cook
John Cyrier
Drew Darby
Mayes Middleton
Dennis Paul
Glenn Rogers
Lynn Stucky
Tony Tinderholt
Cody Vasut
James White


Brandon Creighton


Charles Schwertner

Bill Caption

Relating to the establishment and duties of the Texas 1836 Project.

Fiscal Notes

Estimated Two-­year Net Impact to General Revenue Related Funds for HB 2497, As Engrossed: a negative impact of ($466,760) through the biennium ending August 31, 2023.

The bill would make no appropriation but could provide the legal basis for an appropriation of funds to implement the provisions of the bill.

Bill Analysis

HB 2497 would establish the 1836 Project as an advisory committee to promote patriotic education and increase awareness of the Texas values that continue to stimulate boundless prosperity across this state.  The committee would be composed of nine members. The bill also requires the Texas Education Agency to provide funding and administrative support for the 1836 Project and would have to submit a report to the legislature on the impact of this project no later than September 1, 2022. The 1836 Project is abolished and this chapter expires September 1, 2036.

Vote Recommendation Notes

Texas Action supports HB 2497. We strongly support the teaching of cultural heritage and education as proposed by this bill which will help to improve civic education in Texas.

Source URL (retrieved on 03/14/2025 04:03 AM):