Bill: SB 2353, 86(R) - 2019


Senate State Affairs

Companion Bill

HB 362

Vote Recommendation

Vote Recommendation Economic Freedom Property Rights Personal Responsibility Limited Government Individual Liberty
Yes Neutral Neutral Neutral Positive Neutral


Bob Hall

Bill Caption

Relating to the creation of a fund to assist local governments with the acquisition of voting system equipment.

Bill Analysis

SB 2353 would establish the Voting System Fund which would allow the secretary of state to provide matching funds (up to 50 percent) to counties for voting equipment. The fund would be created in the general revenue fund.

Vote Recommendation Notes

Texas Action recommends supporting SB 2353 because it promotes our limited government principles. It is a legitimate role of a limited government to ensure the integrity of elections.

Source URL (retrieved on 03/14/2025 06:03 AM):