Bill: SB 1284, 86(R) - 2019


Senate Education

Companion Bill

HB 2879

Vote Recommendation

Vote Recommendation Economic Freedom Property Rights Personal Responsibility Limited Government Individual Liberty
No Neutral Neutral Neutral Negative Neutral


Borris Miles

Bill Caption

Relating to a competitive grant program to fund promotion of early literacy programs in certain communities in this state.

Fiscal Notes

No significant fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.

Bill Analysis

SB 1284 would require the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston to establish a competitive grant program to promote early literacy through which the Center will award grants for the implementation of literacy programs, or the expansion of existing programs, and for the operation of those programs for a period of not less than two years. Appropriated funds may be used. If no funds are appropriated for this purpose the Health Science Center would not be required to establish the grant program but may choose to do so if other funds are available. 

Vote Recommendation Notes

Texas Action recommends opposing SB 1284 because it violates our principle of limited government. It is not the proper role of the state to use taxpayer dollars to fund programs that are better left to charitable, nonprofit, and faith-based organizations.

Organizations Supporting

League of Women Voters of Texas
Texas Association of Business

Source URL (retrieved on 05/03/2024 05:05 AM):