Bill: HB 125, 86(R) - 2019


House State Affairs

2nd Chamber Committee

Senate Business & Commerce

Vote Recommendation

Vote Recommendation Economic Freedom Property Rights Personal Responsibility Limited Government Individual Liberty
Vote Yes; Amend Neutral Neutral Neutral Positive Positive


Armando Martinez


Jose Menendez

Bill Caption

Relating to the online publication of home addresses of certain occupational license holders.

Bill Analysis

HB 125 would prohibit the state government from publishing the home addresses of licensed professional counselors on the Internet, unless a counselor specifically requested it be published. 

Vote Recommendation Notes

Texas Action supports this bill for promoting the principles of individual liberty and limited government. An amendment to prohibit the state from publishing the home address of occupational license holders of all professions would make this bill even better. 

Source URL (retrieved on 03/13/2025 12:03 PM):