Bill: HB 63, 85(R) - 2017

Companion Bill

SB 81

Vote Recommendation

Vote Recommendation Economic Freedom Property Rights Personal Responsibility Limited Government Individual Liberty
No Negative Neutral Neutral Negative Neutral


Sarah Davis

Bill Caption

Relating to the operations of the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas; authorizing a fee. 

Fiscal Notes

From the LBB: No significant fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.

Bill Analysis

HB 63 would amend the Government Code to expand the term of “appointed officer of a major state agency” to include a member of the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT). Next, the CPRIT oversight committee would be permitted to conduct closed meetings to discuss issues related to managing, acquiring, or selling securities or other revenue-sharing obligations. Third, not more than 10 percent of the money appropriated by the legislature for grants in a state fiscal year would be used for cancer prevention and control programs during that year. Fourth, the oversight committee may transfer its management and disposition authority over state royalties and income to the Texas Treasury Safekeeping Trust Company.  The bill would also repeal a duplicative reporting requirement for members of the oversight committee.

Vote Recommendation Notes

The functions of CPRIT are best handled by faith-based and private philanthropic organizations. The mission of the organization would be better served if its duties were handled entirely outside of the bureaucracy of state government and without being beholden to politicians or political agendas for funding. Rather than reorganize the way CPRIT works, its legislative authority should be allowed to expire so that if it is to continue on from that point it may do so entirely apart from state involvement. For this reason we oppose HB 63.

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