Bill: HB 43, 85(R) - 2017


House Pensions

Vote Recommendation

Vote Recommendation Economic Freedom Property Rights Personal Responsibility Limited Government Individual Liberty
Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral


Dan Flynn

Bill Caption

Relating to the public retirement systems of certain municipalities.

Fiscal Notes

No fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.

Bill Analysis

Regarding general provisions, HB 43 would:

Regarding the Firefighter Pension system, HB 43 would: 

Regarding the Police Pension system, HB 43 would:

Regarding the Municipal Pension system, HB 43 would:

Vote Recommendation Notes

Texas Action supports the goal of this bill which is to bring a troubled system closer to actuarial soundness. Provisions to constantly monitor and analyze the financial health of these pension systems to provide a higher level of accountability are positive steps. While we agree with certain portions of the bill we oppose the continuation of local pensions relying on state legislators to reform their broken systems. We also oppose the continuation of a defined benefit system rather than a defined contribution system. 

The tedious nature of passing state-level laws is time-consuming and inflexible for addressing local problems that require immediate resolutions. The act of local pensions codifying their policies in state statutes to insulate their members’ benefits from local reform has conceivably backfired, creating a $10 billion problem for the City of Houston.

We recommend this bill be amended to include a provision to reestablish local control over these pension systems, which would return powers back the city and municipalities, create a larger degree of flexibility to handle these problems, and discontinue a cycle of perpetuating the encroachment of state government in issues they should have little to no engagement in. HB 43 upholds and violates our principle of limited government, for this reason we will remain neutral.

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