Bill: SB 70, 84(R) - 2015


Senate Finance

Vote Recommendation

Vote Recommendation Economic Freedom Property Rights Personal Responsibility Limited Government Individual Liberty
Yes Neutral Neutral Neutral Positive Neutral


Rodney Ellis

Bill Caption

Relating to reports issued by the comptroller on the effect of certain tax provisions.

Fiscal Notes

A fiscal bill dated April 13, 2015 anticipates no fiscal implication to the State or to units of local government.

Bill Analysis

Senate Bill 70 would amend Section 403.014 (a) of the Government Code related to the report on the effect of certain tax provisions, and Section 403.0141 (a) of the Government Code related to the report on the incidence of certain taxes.

To the biennial report on tax exemption, the bill would add any other state tax not yet on the list but previously included in the report, if the tax still exists, as well as any tax that would have generated more than 5 percent of state tax revenue in the prior fiscal year in the absence of exemptions, discounts, exclusions, etc.

To the biennial report on incidence of tax, the bill would add any state tax that would have generated more than 2.5 percent of state tax revenue in the prior fiscal year in the absence of exemptions, discounts, exclusions, etc. and any other state tax previously included in a report the same section, if the tax still exists.

Vote Recommendation Notes

Senate Bill 70 would broaden the scope of taxes included in reports required of the Comptroller to evaluate taxes' overall incidence as well as the possible impact of exemptions, discounts, exclusions, special valuations, special accounting treatments, special rates, and special methods of reporting.

Passing this legislation would provide more transparency for taxpayers by giving them additional information on tax incidence and impact of exemptions. We support Senate Bill 70.

Source URL (retrieved on 05/03/2024 06:05 AM):