
SB 1750

84(R) - 2015
Senate Higher Education
Senate Higher Education
Higher Education

Companion Bill

HB 2365

Vote Recommendation

  • Positive
  • Neutral
  • Neutral
  • Neutral
  • Neutral


Royce West

Bill Caption

Relating to the requirements for employment positions provided through the Texas college work-study program.

Bill Analysis

SB 1750 would amend the Education Code by adding a requirement for campus work-study programs. Each eligible institution would be required to ensure 50 percent of the employment positions in the work-study program are provided by eligible employers that are located off-campus.

Vote Recommendation Notes

05/20/2015 update:

We continue to support SB 1750 in the second chamber. The second chamber sponsor is Representative Jim Murphy.

First chamber recommendation:

This bill would affirm the principle of free markets, therefore we support this legislation. By requiring that more employment positions are located off campus, this would reduce subsidized labor for a higher education institution and the extra costs associated with those subsidized positions.