Bill: SB 1003, 84(R) - 2015


Senate Education

Vote Recommendation

Vote Recommendation Economic Freedom Property Rights Personal Responsibility Limited Government Individual Liberty
Yes Neutral Neutral Neutral Positive Neutral


Paul Bettencourt

Bill Caption

Relating to the issuance of school district teaching permits to persons who teach career and technical education.

Fiscal Notes

No significant fiscal implication anticipated.

Bill Analysis

SB 1003 would allow school districts to issue a teaching permit to individuals who will only teach courses in career and technical education, as long as they have demonstrated subject matter expertise through certification or active licensure and have at least 5 years of full time work experience requiring license within the past 8 years.A person that would be hired would be expected to comply with continuing education requirements by the school board, complete 20 hours of classroom management training, and undergo a criminal background check. The school district would be required to notify the commissioner with information concerning the person receiving the teaching permit.

Vote Recommendation Notes

SB 1003 would affirm the principle of limited government. The bill reduces regulations and allows school districts more control over hiring decisions that affect non-core subject matters, therefore we support this legislation.

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