Bill: HCR 106, 84(R) - 2015


House Culture, Recreation & Tourism

Vote Recommendation

Vote Recommendation Economic Freedom Property Rights Personal Responsibility Limited Government Individual Liberty
Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral


Kenneth Sheets


Rodney Anderson
Cindy Burkett
Terry Canales
Ina Minjarez
James White
Gene Wu

Bill Caption

Designating #TexasToDo as the official state hashtag of Texas Tourism.

Fiscal Notes

No fiscal note. 

Bill Analysis

HCR 106 would designate #TexasToDo as the official hashtag of Texas Tourism. 

Vote Recommendation Notes

HCR 106 would neither affirm nor abridge our liberty principles. For this reason, #TPPAisneutral.  

The Senate chamber sponsor is Huffines. 

Source URL (retrieved on 03/14/2025 04:03 AM):