Bill: HB 3567, 84(R) - 2015


House State Affairs

Companion Bill

SB 2065

Vote Recommendation

Vote Recommendation Economic Freedom Property Rights Personal Responsibility Limited Government Individual Liberty
Yes Neutral Neutral Neutral Positive Positive


Scott Sanford


Charles Anderson
Rodney Anderson
Trent Ashby
Jimmie Don Aycock
Cecil Bell Jr.
Dwayne Bohac
Dennis Bonnen
Greg Bonnen
Cindy Burkett
Byron Cook
Wayne Faircloth
Pat Fallon
Marsha Farney
Dan Flynn
James Frank
Craig Goldman
Larry Gonzales
Mary Gonzalez
Patricia Harless
Dan Huberty
Bryan Hughes
Jason Isaac
James Keffer
Jodie Laubenberg
Jeff Leach
J.M. Lozano
Will Metcalf
Doug Miller
Rick Miller
Geanie Morrison
Jim Murphy
Andrew Murr
Rene Oliveira
John Otto
Chris Paddie
Tan Parker
Debbie Riddle
Ron Simmons
David Simpson
John Smithee
Stuart Spitzer
Drew Springer
Phil Stephenson
Jonathan Stickland
Ed Thompson
Tony Tinderholt
Scott Turner
John Wray
Bill Zedler
John Zerwas

Bill Caption

Relating to the rights of certain religious organizations and individuals relating to a marriage that violates a sincerely held religious belief.

Fiscal Notes

No significant fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.

The bill would provide that religious organizations, organizations connected to a religious organization, an individual employed by a religious organization while acting in the scope of that employment, or a clergy or minister may not be required to participate in any part of a marriage or celebration of a marriage if it would violate a sincerely held religious belief.  

Under the provisions of this bill, if someone belonging to one of the proscribed categories refuses to provide services, accommodations, facilities, goods, or privileges because of a sincerely held religious belief, that person's refusal cannot be the basis for a civil or criminal cause of action, or any other cause of action by the state or a political subdivision of the state, including withholding benefits or privileges, tax exemptions, or government contracts, grants, or licenses.

Bill Analysis

The analysis provided by the fiscal note sufficiently describes what this bill would do if enacted.

Vote Recommendation Notes

We do not make recommendations for or against bills that deal primarily with social issues. While this bill does relate to what is widely considered a social issue, that issue is secondary to the actual purpose of HB 3567 which is to uphold religious liberty which is a foundational concept for our nation, our state, and modern civilized culture broadly. Protecting religious freedom, without regard to the specific things that freedom is being protected from, is an inherent function of limited government. For this reason, we support HB 3567.

Organizations Supporting

Concerned Women for America of Texas
Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops
Texas Eagle Forum
Texas Home School CoalitionĀ 
Texas Values Action

Organizations Opposed

American Civil Liberties Union of Texas
Log Cabin Republicans of Texas
National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health
Texas Impact
Travis County Democratic Party

Source URL (retrieved on 03/14/2025 08:03 AM):