Bill: SB 1729, 83(R) - 2013

Vote Recommendation

Vote Recommendation Economic Freedom Property Rights Personal Responsibility Limited Government Individual Liberty
Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral


Robert Nichols

Bill Caption

Relating to an agreement between the Department of Public Safety and a county clerk or county assessor-collector for the provision of renewal and duplicate driver's license and other identification certificate services.

Fiscal Notes

No significant fiscal implication is anticipated on the State. The bill would authorize a county participating in a pilot program established by the bill to collect a fee of up to $5 for each transaction provided that relates to driver's license and personal identification certificate services. While the revenues resulting from these fees are indeterminate, it is assumed counties opting to participate in the pilot program would do so only if the county commissioners determined participation is fiscally feasible.

Bill Analysis

Summary: SB 1729 would create a pilot program for driver's license and other personal identification renewal. This bill would allow the Department of Public Safety to enter into an agreement with a county commissioners court allowing county officials to provide renewal of personal identification such as a driver's license. This bill would allow counties to charge an additional $5 fee for renewal services.

Analysis: SB 1729 does not fall under our liberty principles, and we remain neutral.

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