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Relating to the operation by a school district of a vocational
education program to provide eligible high school students with
vocational and educational training under a plan for the issuance
of a high school diploma and the application of certain
student-based allotments under the public school finance system.
Estimated Two-year Net Impact to General Revenue Related
Funds for HB2554, Committee Report 1st House, Substituted: a negative impact of
($37,756,771) through the biennium ending August 31, 2023. The bill would make
no appropriation but could provide the legal basis for an appropriation of
funds to implement the provisions of the bill.
HB 2554 would create a vocational education program which would provide an alternate means to secure a high school diploma through vocational training. The purpose of a vocational education program under this bill is "to provide public education to high school students whose educational needs are better served by focused vocational education and training." Specific program requirements are outlined in the bill including the establishment of minimum curriculum requirements.
Texas Action supports HB 2554. While the bill does come with a hefty fiscal note, it is clear that our state's public education system does not currently work for everyone and not everyone needs to fit into the traditional K-12 to higher education pipeline. Providing an alternative path that will enable students to graduate high school with real vocational skills will enable those students to successfully and independently transition from school to the field of their choosing. This would be a significant improvement for public education in Texas.