
SB 1891

86(R) - 2019
Senate Finance
Senate Finance

Vote Recommendation

  • Positive
  • Neutral
  • Neutral
  • Positive
  • Neutral


Kelly Hancock
Paul Bettencourt
Brian Birdwell
Dawn Buckingham
Donna Campbell
Brandon Creighton
Pat Fallon
Pete Flores
Bob Hall
Joan Huffman
Bryan Hughes
Lois Kolkhorst
Jane Nelson
Robert Nichols
Angela Paxton
Charles Perry
Charles Schwertner
Kel Seliger
Larry Taylor

Bill Caption

Relating to a limit on the rate of growth of certain appropriations.

Fiscal Notes

No fiscal implication to the State is anticipated in the upcoming biennium. The provisions of the bill would take effect with the 2022-23 biennium. Starting in the 2022-23 biennium, the fiscal implication of restricting the biennial growth of consolidated general revenue appropriations (General Revenue and General Revenue-Dedicated), would depend on both the actions of the Legislative Budget Board with respect to adopting the rate and future appropriation decisions by the legislature. 

Bill Analysis

This bill places a spending cap on dedicated funds and other "consolidated general revenue appropriations" defined in the bill. Biennial growth would be limited to the estimated average biennial rate of growth of population preceding the biennium for which appropriations are made, and during the state fiscal biennium for which appropriations are made, adjusted by the estimated average biennial rate of monetary inflation during the same period. 

Vote Recommendation Notes

Texas Action recommends supporting SB 1891 because it promotes limited government and free market principles. This would create a more accurate representation of our state spending and protect taxpayers by keeping the growth of government within its ability to pay for it.

Additionally, the population growth plus inflation formula are better economic measures for reflecting the average taxpayer's ability to pay. Strengthening the spending limit to population growth and inflation could lead to tax relief and accelerated economic growth.