
HB 3227

86(R) - 2019
House Corrections
Senate Criminal Justice
House Corrections
Senate Criminal Justice

Vote Recommendation

  • Neutral
  • Neutral
  • Positive
  • Neutral
  • Positive


Donna Howard
Jarvis Johnson


Ryan Guillen
Ina Minjarez
Victoria Neave
Ron Reynolds
Carl Sherman
Phil Stephenson
Erin Zwiener


Joan Huffman

Bill Caption

Relating to a female inmate's access to programs offered to inmates of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.

Fiscal Notes

No significant fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.

Bill Analysis

HB 3227 would require the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to develop and implement policies that increase female inmate's access to programs offered by the department, but would prohibit the department from reducing or limiting a male inmate's access to a program to meet this requirement. 

It would also require the department to prepare and submit a report that includes: (1) a description of department policies that were created, modified, or eliminated during the preceding year to meet these requirements, and (2) a list of programs available to female inmates.

Vote Recommendation Notes

Texas Action recommends supporting HB 3227 because it promotes individual liberty and personal responsibility. It would help provide equal access to programs for female inmates, and some of these programs are critical to success upon release. Importantly, this bill would require that male inmates not be discriminated against by having access to programs reduced in order to fulfill the mandate this bill would create.