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Relating to the operation of, participation in, and effects of successful completion of a mental health court program.
HB 1320 would stipulate that a person who has been placed under a custodial or noncustodial arrest for commission of certain crimes is entitled to have all records and files relating to the arrest expunged if they complete a mental health court program and meet other qualifying conditions. Offenders would be eligible for an expunction of arrest records and files only if they have not previously received an expunction for completing a mental health program and they submit to the court an affidavit attesting to that fact. This bill is designed to incentivize people to voluntarily participate in relevant mental health court programs.
Texas Action supports HB 1320 which would enhance limited government and individual liberty by allowing for the expunction of records for qualifying individuals. This would allow people receiving the benefit of expunction to be restored to full participation in society and in the economy without being subject to the deleterious effects associated with a criminal record.