
SB 1548

85(R) - 2017
Senate Criminal Justice
Senate Criminal Justice
Juvenile Justice

Vote Recommendation

  • Neutral
  • Neutral
  • Neutral
  • Positive
  • Neutral


Jose Menendez

Bill Caption

Relating to post-discharge services offered by a juvenile board or juvenile probation department to a child after the child’s probation ends. 

Fiscal Notes

No significant fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.

Bill Analysis

This bill would establish optional services provided to youth who have been discharged from probation. The services would support vocational, educational, behavioral, or other goals, and would provide continuity for the child as they transition from probation. The services could include behavioral or mental health services, substance abuse services, mentoring, job training, and educational services. The post-discharge services may only be provided for six months after their discharge from probation. 

Vote Recommendation Notes

There is a lot at stake for juveniles that have entered the juvenile justice system since they have long lives ahead of them. Services that would encourage and help them to stay away from criminal activities serve to reduce recidivism and would provide more opportunity for these youth to become contributing members to society. For these reasons, we support SB 1548. 

Organizations Supporting

American Civil Liberties Union of Texas
Texans Care for Children
Texas Appleseed
Texas Conference of Urban Counties
Texas Probation Association