
HB 544

85(R) - 2017
Natural Resources

Vote Recommendation

  • Neutral
  • Neutral
  • Neutral
  • Neutral
  • Neutral


Charles Anderson
Trent Ashby

Bill Caption

Relating to the use of the rural water assistance fund.

Fiscal Notes

No significant fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.

Bill Analysis

Under current law, the Water Code permits contracting for outreach, financial, and technical assistance by rural political subdivisions in obtaining and using financing from the rural water assistance fund. HB 544 would add contracting for planning to the current list of appropriate activities and would allow rural political subdivisions to use this assistance to obtain funding from any source, rather than exclusively from the rural water assistance fund.

Vote Recommendation Notes

HB 544 neither uplifts nor offends our liberty principles, therefore we remain neutral.