
HB 3306

85(R) - 2017
House Licensing & Administrative Procedures
House Licensing & Administrative Procedures
Licensing & Administrative Procedures
Occupational Licensing

Companion Bill

SB 1501

Vote Recommendation

  • Positive
  • Neutral
  • Neutral
  • Positive
  • Neutral


John Kuempel

Bill Caption

Relating to the regulation of motor vehicle towing, booting, and storage and to the elimination of required state licensing for vehicle booting companies and operators.

Fiscal Notes

No significant fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.

Bill Analysis

HB 3306 would amend the Occupations Code to abolish the occupational licensure requirement for a person who installs or removes a boot on a vehicle or an office building owner or manager who installs or removes a boot in the building’s parking lot. The bill would add a few specific regulations related to booting but leave most regulatory authority over the issue to local authorities.

Vote Recommendation Notes

Abolishing an occupational license for "booting" and placing regulatory authority over this issue in the hands of local government supports our principles of limited government and free markets. Abolishing occupational licences is a worthy legislative pursuit which we encourage to be taken up with vigor. We support HB 3306.