HB 296
85(R) - 2017
House Business & Industry
House Business & Industry
Business, Industry, & Commerce
Vote Recommendation
Sergio Munoz Jr.
Bill Caption
Relating to a deceptive act or practice related to the sale, marketing, packaging, or advertising of nitrous oxide.
Fiscal Notes
No fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.
Bill Analysis
This bill would modify the laws relating to deceptive and unlawful trade practices by adding certain prohibitions to the marketing, packaging, and/or advertising of nitrous oxide. If this bill passes it would be illegal to present nitrous oxide in any way, other than its approved use as a pesticide, and food, drug, or cosmetic, and a beverage, as regulated by federal laws.
Vote Recommendation Notes
This extra regulation on the way nitrous oxide is presented for sale, marketing, packaging, or advertising
purposes would be an unnecessary expansion of government regulation. For this reason we oppose HB 296.
Organizations Opposed
Texas Association of Business