HB 239
85(R) - 2017
House Corrections
Senate Criminal Justice
House Corrections
Senate Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice
Vote Recommendation
Ana Hernandez
John Whitmire
Bill Caption
Relating to a report regarding the confinement of pregnant inmates by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
Fiscal Notes
No significant fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.
Bill Analysis
This bill would require the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) to prepare a report for the governor, the lieutenant governor, the speaker of the house, and each standing committee of the house and senate that has jurisdiction over matters relating to corrections by December 1, 2018.
The report would be expected to detail the department’s implementation of policies and procedures for providing adequate care to pregnant inmates. It would require that TDCJ provides information on the healthcare provided to pregnant inmates. In addition, the report would include a detailed summary of pregnant inmates including things like nutritional standards, workload, housing conditions, and situations in which restraints that have been used on the pregnant inmates. The report would also seek information on the number of miscarriages during the span of September 2017 through September 2018.
Vote Recommendation Notes
This bill has no major impact on our liberty principles, therefore we will remain neutral.
Organizations Supporting
American Civil Liberties Union of Texas
Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops
Texas Impact