HB 238
85(R) - 2017
House Corrections
Senate Criminal Justice
House Corrections
Senate Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice
Criminal Procedure
Vote Recommendation
Ana Hernandez
Charles Perry
Bill Caption
Relating to the creation of records of the DNA of certain defendants for inclusion in the DNA database system.
Fiscal Notes
No significant fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.
Bill Analysis
The existing DNA database archives individuals who have been convicted twice of very serious crimes such as continuous abuse of a minor, or indecency with a child, and compelling prostitution. This bill would require individuals who have been convicted, twice, of providing or soliciting prostitution and pimping to this same DNA database. This would include situations where no services or money were exchanged.
Vote Recommendation Notes
The DNA database should be reserved for serious criminals. The crimes of prostitution are of a much lower caliber that these other crimes. There are crimes related to prostitution that are worthy of this punishment, such as compelling prostitution, but that is already subjected to this database. This is a clear case of government exceeding it proper role and therefore violates our liberty principle of limited government. We oppose HB 238.
Organizations Supporting
Dallas Police Department
Houston Police Department
Texas Municipal League