
SB 35

84(R) - 2015
Senate Business & Commerce
Senate Business & Commerce
Business, Industry, & Commerce

Vote Recommendation

  • Neutral
  • Neutral
  • Positive
  • Positive
  • Neutral


Judith Zaffirini

Bill Caption

Relating to the acknowledgment by management of risks identified in state agency information security plans. 

Fiscal Notes

No significant fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.

The bill would require that each state agency include in its information security plan, submitted to the Department of Information Resources,a written acknowledgment that the executive director or other head of the agency, chief financial officer, and each executive manager as designated by the agency have been made aware of the risks revealed during the preparation of the agency's information security plan. Based on the analysis of several agencies, it is assumed that implementation of the bill could be absorbed within existing resources. 

Bill Analysis

SB 35 would require the head of a state agency to acknowledge in writing that they are aware of "risks revealed during the preparation of the agency’s information security plan" and that they have made certain key agency leaders aware of those shortcomings as well. 

Vote Recommendation Notes

5/24/2015 update:

No changes were made in House committee. 


This bill bolsters government transparency by increasing accountability. Since this is within the proper scope of government, we recommend a yes vote on this legislation. 

Organizations Supporting

HID Global