
SB 1753

84(R) - 2015
Senate Health & Human Services
Senate Health & Human Services

Companion Bill

HB 2897

Vote Recommendation

  • Neutral
  • Neutral
  • Neutral
  • Neutral
  • Neutral


Donna Campbell

Bill Caption

Relating to the identification requirements of certain health care providers associated with a hospital.

Fiscal Notes

No significant fiscal implication to the State is anticipated. The Department of State Health Services indicates that any rulemaking or regulatory activities required to implement the bill can be absorbed within available resources. 

No significant fiscal implication to units of local government is anticipated.

Bill Analysis

The bill would amend Chapter 241 of the Health and Safety Code to require that hospitals adopt certain policies regarding health care provider photo identification (ID) badges. The bill would require a photo ID badge to spell out the occupational license a provider holds. For example, the ID badge would be required to state "physician," "chiropractor," "physical therapist," "dietitian," "dentist," "registered nurse," etc., if a provider holds a specific occupational license. The provisions of the bill would be required to be implemented by September 1, 2017.

Vote Recommendation Notes

Since the photo identification badges are already required and regulated by Title 3 of the Occupations Code, this legislation does not represent an enlargement of the size and scope of government which would offend our limited government principle. This bill would merely enhance a patient's understanding of the level of training a certain health care provider maintains based on the information contained under a badge that is already required under the Occupations Code.

We remain neutral on SB 1753 because it neither abridges nor advances our liberty principles.