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5/25/2015 update:
This bill was not amended on the Senate floor or in the House committee. We continue to support SB 1583.
The second chamber sponsor is Representative Fletcher.
First chamber recommendation below:
There has been a significant increase in recent years in the production, development, and sale of synthetic designer drugs. These synthetic drugs are created and altered rapidly, and are designed to have a pharmacological effect similar to a Schedule I or II controlled substance that is regulated under federal law. While new designer synthetic drugs are now routinely added by the legislature to the list of substances prohibited under the Texas Controlled Substances Act, rapid permutations in drug design prevent the act from being timely updated to reflect a changing supply market.
Changing the molecular structure allows manufacturers to exploit a loophole and avoid the responsibility associated with the legal jeopardy of the illegal drugs they are replacing. The purpose of this legislation is to close that loophole by classifying any synthetic designer drugs as a Schedule I controlled substance.
We support SB 1583 because it fits within our view of a legitimate role of government and promotes personal responsibility. Implementing measures to curb manufacturers' ability to skirt the law would also potentially alleviate pressure on court systems and help reduce the prison population.