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SB 1440, if passed, would modify the Special District Local
Laws Code (Subchapter A, Chapter 8802) by adding a new section (8802.0035).
Essentially the bill would expand the territory and jurisdiction of the Barton
Springs – Edwards Aquifer Conservation District to include Hays County and the
Edwards Aquifer Authority. The bill then clarifies that the Edwards Aquifer
Authority would maintain jurisdiction over any well drilled into the Edwards
Aquifer. There is also a component of the section which states that this
expansion will not involve the boundaries of the Plum Creek Conservation
SB 1440 is essentially a clerical bill designed to include
Hays County in the Barton Springs – Edwards Aquifer Conservation District.
Given that the local laws regime is already in place, and given that this bill
involves only local government entities, it does not significantly affect any
of our principles. We are neutral on SB 1440.