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No fiscal implication to units of local government is anticipated.
The bill would amend
Chapter 105 of the Health and Safety Code to require the nursing resource
section (Texas Center for Nursing Workforce Studies (TCNWS)) of the Health
Provisions Resource Center at the Department of State Health Services (DSHS)
conduct a study and publish results on workplace verbal and physical violence
against nurses in certain facilities (hospitals, freestanding emergency medical
care facilities, nursing facilities, and home health agencies) by December 1,
2016. The bill would require that TCNWS cooperate with DSHS and the Texas Board
of Nursing (BON) to conduct the study.
The bill would also establish a new grant program
to fund innovative approaches to reducing workplace violence against nurses.
DSHS would be required to provide administrative support to TCNWS for the
program. The bill would authorize a transfer of funds from BON to DSHS for
the study and the grant program. TCNWS would be required to publish an
annual report on expenditures and outcomes related to the program.
Conducting a study to curb physical and verbal violence against nurses in health care facilities is sound public policy. However, we are concerned with the purpose of establishing a grant program to fund 'innovative approaches' to reduce violence against nurses. Examples of innovative approaches include: de-escalation and crisis intervention techniques; and environmental, administrative, or training procedures to minimize risk. All of these possible approaches could be accomplished utilizing existing facility resources and should not warrant the creation of a grant program.
We remain neutral on HB 2696.