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No significant fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.
HB 2145 would allow the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) to issue a provisional permit to applicants who are waiting for approval to be licensed as an insurance agent. A person submitting an application for a provisional permit would have to file an application, a nonrefundable fee, and a certificate signed by a licensed agent, insurer, or health maintenance organization (HMO) stating that the applicant completed the training.
This provisional permit would expire in 90-days. Lastly, an appointing licensed agent, insurer, or HMO who allows a permit holder to act as an agent under a provisional permit would have supervisory responsibility over that permit holder.
The Senate Business and Commerce Committee made non-substantive
changes to this bill. We still support the HB 2145
Senate chamber sponsor: Creighton
First Chamber Analysis:
As if the arduous task of applying for an insurance license
is not enough in that it creates an impediment to work, TDI has drawn out this
process by delaying the issuance of insurance licenses. Currently, the law
prohibits a person from working as an agent until he or she has received his or
her license. However, the influx of insurance license applications has caused
TDI to delay issuing licenses outside of the normal 30-day window when it
usually issues them.
This bill would allow a person to continue or start working
as an insurance agent while he or she waits for his or her license.
We support HB 2145 because it comports with our limited government principle that the state avoids becoming even more of a hindrance to a person wanting to work. This legislation also aligns with our free market principle.
A better long term solution would be to look at ways to get rid of most occupational licensing altogether.