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HB 1665 would modify the Property Code (Section
5.019) regarding notices required for purchasers of real property. Namely,
whenever real property is sold and said is adjoined to a reservoir or lake of
5,000 acre feet or more, and managed under Section 11 of the water code, a
notice is required which notes that the water level of the lake or reservoir
may fluctuate.
HB 1665 would place another state mandate on sellers of homes. While it may seem like a minor mandate the state should not be adding new mandates to the private free market transactions between willing buyers and sellers. Furthermore, home buyers have a responsibility to do their own due diligence to determine whether a particular purchase is in their best interest. For these reasons we oppose HB 1655 as an infringement on limited government, property rights, free markets, and personal responsibility.
The second chamber sponsor is Senator Kohlhorst.