Bill: SB 572, 86(R) - 2019


Senate Health & Human Services

2nd Chamber Committee

House Public Health

Vote Recommendation

Vote Recommendation Economic Freedom Property Rights Personal Responsibility Limited Government Individual Liberty
Yes Positive Neutral Neutral Positive Neutral


Lois Kolkhorst


Bob Hall
Bryan Hughes
Charles Schwertner
Kel Seliger


Eddie Rodriguez


Vikki Goodwin

Bill Caption

Relating to the regulation of cottage food production operations.

Fiscal Notes

No significant fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.

Bill Analysis

SB 572 would expand the current list of allowed cottage foods (food produced in home kitchens for sale to the public in limited circumstances) to include pickled fruits or vegetables vegetables, plant-based acidified canned goods, fermented vegetable products, frozen raw and uncut fruit or vegetables, and any other food that is not a time and temperature control for safety food. The bill would require a cottage food production operation that sells pickled fruit or vegetables, fermented products or acidified canned goods to: (1) use a recipe that is from an approved source, has been tested by an appropriately certified laboratory to have a pH value of 4.6 or less, or is approved by a qualified process authority; or (2) annually test the first batch of each recipe with a calibrated pH meter to confirm that the finished product or good has a pH value of 4.6 or less.

This bill would require DSHS to semiannually post a list of approved sources for recipes on its website, and develop a process for individuals to request approval for additional recipes. 

Vote Recommendation Notes

Texas Action supports SB 572 because it promotes free markets and limited government by expanding the list of allowed cottage foods. Crafting reasonable cottage food law has potential to allow in-home processors to start businesses to support the local economy, as well as increase access to local products for their communities.

Source URL (retrieved on 05/07/2024 06:05 PM):