Bill: SB 884, 85(R) - 2017


Senate Intergovernmental Relations

Vote Recommendation

Vote Recommendation Economic Freedom Property Rights Personal Responsibility Limited Government Individual Liberty
Yes Neutral Neutral Neutral Positive Neutral


John Whitmire


Paul Bettencourt
Brandon Creighton
Sylvia Garcia
Lois Kolkhorst
Eddie Lucio Jr.
Borris Miles
Larry Taylor

Bill Caption

Relating to the authority of certain counties to use county revenue or incur debt to improve or redevelop certain sports facilities.

Bill Analysis

This is a local bill, applying only to a county with a population of 3.3 million or more. SB 884 would prohibit county revenue from being used to improve or redevelop a facility "designed to be used in part as a venue for professional sports events and that opened to the public before 1966" if the project will cost $10 million or more unless the funding is approved by the voters of the county at an election held for that purpose.

Vote Recommendation Notes

Though this is a local bill, it would give voters greater influence in the process of Harris County attempting to undergo a project pertaining to the AstroDome which would substantially affect the financial situation of the county. We believe this upholds our principle of limited government by introducing voter involvement in this project, therefore we support SB 884.

Source URL (retrieved on 05/07/2024 02:05 PM):