Bill: SB 385, 85(R) - 2017


Senate Transportation

Vote Recommendation

Vote Recommendation Economic Freedom Property Rights Personal Responsibility Limited Government Individual Liberty
Yes Neutral Neutral Neutral Positive Positive


Konni Burton

Bill Caption

Relating to voter approval of local acceptance and use of federal funds for passenger rail projects.

Fiscal Notes

From the Legislative Budget Board: no significant fiscal implication to the state is anticipated.

Bill Analysis

SB 385 would amend the Transportation Code to add that a political subdivision may not accept or use federal funds for the construction, maintenance, or operation of a commuter rail, unless: the governing body of each municipality in which a station or track segment of the project is located holds an election for the purpose of authorizing the acceptance or use of the funds and a majority of votes are in favor of the proposition. If funds for the project have not been used within five years after the election, the governing bodies would be required to have another election to re-authorize the project.

Vote Recommendation Notes

This bill enhances our individual liberty and limited government principles by giving the citizens the power to decide in an election whether or not to support a commuter rail in their community. We support SB 385.

Source URL (retrieved on 05/05/2024 07:05 AM):