Bill: HB 2703, 85(R) - 2017


House Juvenile Justice & Family Issues

2nd Chamber Committee

Senate State Affairs

Vote Recommendation

Vote Recommendation Economic Freedom Property Rights Personal Responsibility Limited Government Individual Liberty
Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral


Sergio Munoz Jr.


Carlos Uresti

Bill Caption

Relating to a temporary order appointing a receiver in a suit for dissolution of marriage. 

Fiscal Notes

No significant fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.

Bill Analysis

This bill would slightly modify the obligations of the court in lawsuits related to the dissolution of marriage. Under current law, while the suit is pending a receiver is appointed to preserve and protect the private property of both parties.

HB 2703 would require that within 30 days of appointing a receiver, the court must issue written findings of fact and conclusions of law in support of the appointment. In addition, if as a result of the appointment the court determines that a bond between the spouses is not necessary the court would have to include a written explanation for the decision. 

Vote Recommendation Notes

This bill does not have a measurable impact on our liberty principles, therefore we will remain neutral. 

Source URL (retrieved on 05/04/2024 10:05 AM):