Bill: HB 1735, 85(R) - 2017


House Elections

2nd Chamber Committee

Senate State Affairs

Vote Recommendation

Vote Recommendation Economic Freedom Property Rights Personal Responsibility Limited Government Individual Liberty
Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral


Wayne Faircloth


Joan Huffman

Bill Caption

Relating to certain election officers.

Fiscal Notes

No fiscal implication to the State is anticipated. 

Bill Analysis

This bill would allow a county chair of a political party with which an election judge is affiliated to remove, replace, or reassign the judge if they cause a disruption at a polling place or disobey the provisions of the elections code. The bill would also require a member of the early voting ballot board and central counting station officials to swear an oath saying they will faithfully perform their duty and uphold the integrity of elections and be require them to be issued a badge by the secretary of state which they must display during their hours of service on the board. If an official determines that a ballot was incorrectly rejected or accepted, this bill would allow the county election officer to petition the district court for relief as the court determines appropriate. 

The bill would require that a county chair furnish a list of the persons eligible to be appointed as election judges, including judges of countywide polling places. The bill would also allow county chairs of political parties to appoint judges for primary elections without the approval of the county executive committee, require that a telephone and email address of the presiding or alternative judge be furnished on a notice to the presiding or alternative judge as applicable, require that a county clerk provide a list of the elections judges appointed by the commissioners court to the county chair of each political party, require that election officials be paid at least the federal minimum wage, add new requirements to be appointed as a tabulation supervisor's assistant, and require that a plan for counting station operation be made available to the public on request not later than 5 pm on the fifth day before the date of the election. 

Vote Recommendation Notes

This is an administrative and procedural bill that does not appear to have a connection to our liberty principes, therefore we remain neutral.

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