Bill: HB 1424, 85(R) - 2017


House Criminal Jurisprudence

2nd Chamber Committee

Senate Criminal Justice

Vote Recommendation

Vote Recommendation Economic Freedom Property Rights Personal Responsibility Limited Government Individual Liberty
Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral


Jim Murphy


Brian Birdwell

Bill Caption

Relating to the operation of an unmanned aircraft over certain facilities or sports venues; creating a criminal offense.

Fiscal Notes

No fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.

Bill Analysis

Under current law, unauthorized personnel are prohibited from operating unmanned aircraft over critical infrastructure. HB 1424 would also prohibit the unauthorized operation of unmanned aircraft over correctional or detention facilities. In addition, an offense would be instituted for operating an unmanned aircraft over a sports venue under 400 feet and without the approval of the government or the venue. Violations in both cases would be a Class B misdemeanor for the first offense, and a Class A misdemeanor for subsequent offenses.

Vote Recommendation Notes

While it is well within the role of government to protect the activities of correctional and detention facilities, and reasonable to impose Class A and B misdemeanor charges in the case of unauthorized drone operation over such facilities, we believe that imposing the same criminal charge in the case of unauthorized operation over a sports venue is excessive. We would be more comfortable with this bill if it were amended to lessen the criminal charge associated with operation over a sports venue. Ultimately, we remain neutral on HB 1424.

Organizations Supporting

Houston Astros
Houston Police Department
Texas Conference of Urban Counties
Texas Municipal League
Texas Municipal Police Association
Texas Rangers Baseball Club
Travis County Commissioners Court

Source URL (retrieved on 05/04/2024 10:05 PM):