Bill: HCR 61, 84(R) - 2015


House Committee on State & Federal Power & Responsibility, Select

Companion Bill


Vote Recommendation

Vote Recommendation Economic Freedom Property Rights Personal Responsibility Limited Government Individual Liberty
Yes Neutral Neutral Positive Positive Neutral


Dan Flynn


Charles Anderson
Dwayne Bohac
Dennis Bonnen
Greg Bonnen
Cindy Burkett
Dustin Burrows
Giovanni Capriglione
Drew Darby
Marsha Farney
Allen Fletcher
Patricia Harless
Jodie Laubenberg
Will Metcalf
Morgan Meyer
Geanie Morrison
Andrew Murr
John Otto
Leighton Schubert
Ron Simmons
Drew Springer
Paul Workman
John Wray
John Zerwas

Bill Caption

Urging Congress to reimburse the State of Texas for bearing the financial burden of the federal government's responsibility to secure the Texas-Mexico international border.

Fiscal Notes

No fiscal note. 

Bill Analysis

This Concurrent Resolution conveys the 84th Texas State Legislature’s dissatisfaction with the federal government's insufficient efforts to secure the border between Texas and Mexico.

Vote Recommendation Notes

Clearly the federal government is not fulfilling its Constitutional responsibility to secure the border, causing the state of Texas to step up to fill the void that the federal level has caused. The state of Texas should be reimbursed for the expenses that have accrued due to the federal government's dereliction of its Constitutional duties. 

We support HCR 61 because it affirms our limited government principle and personal responsibility principle. 

Source URL (retrieved on 05/03/2024 09:05 PM):